Humansa仁山優社 | Victoria Dockside 旗艦中心開幕一週年 致力實現最佳健康生活
December 1, 2023
旗下近40間遍佈粵港澳大灣區的健康醫健中心 為逾8萬人提供全面健康服務
HONG KONG, 29 November 2023 — Humansa, the life-long health and wellness partner, today celebrates the first anniversary milestone of its flagship center – Humansa | Victoria Dockside. This marks a year of Humansa reimagining health care for customers, fostering preventive healthcare, and empowering individuals to pursue optimal health with vitality, balance and resilience.
Humansa仁山優社 | Victoria Dockside 旗艦中心的室內設計屢獲殊榮並配備頂尖儀器及設備,為顧客提供全面的健康管理服務,包括醫健服務、健身訓練及物理治療、營養顧問服務、皮膚科及皮膚護理,以及身心健康支援。充分展現Humansa專業獨特的綜合性現代健康護理模式,同時以不斷進步的醫健專業、領先同儕的先進技術和跨專科的專家團隊為本,實現與顧客重新構想健康的願境。
連同Victoria Dockside的旗艦中心,Humansa的健康醫健中心遍佈粵港澳大灣區,至今已為逾8萬人提供諮詢服務。於過去一年,Humansa的健康醫健中心擴展至近40間,其中包括位於香港且配備先進完善手術室的眼科中心、皮膚護理中心、進駐香港四季酒店的母嬰護理中心、以及位於廣州的內窺鏡中心等。
Customers consume Humansa’s products and services more than six times annually on average as they seek to attain optimal health, driving demand for Humansa’s 15 holistic services. Among these are year-round programs that cover a wide spectrum, including women’s health, kids’ development, and weight management. In addition, Humansa offers personalized features such as a Health Collaborator, Wellness Coaching and digital features including daily reminders, e-shopping and appointment bookings.
Humansa提供的優質醫健服務深受各界認可,使其成為超過50間3A評級 (Triple A) 的跨國集團及位列「財富100強」的企業信賴的合作夥伴。此外,Humansa亦與領先業界的保險公司友邦香港獨家合作,以加強應對高淨值客戶的身心健康為目標,訂製行業中首個融合中西醫療概念的一站式綜合養生空間,為顧客度身定制養心、養身和養生三大範疇的健康方案。
回顧2023年,Humansa行政總裁蘇嘉威先生表示:「Humansa致力透過大灣區廣泛的業務網絡及跨專科團隊,實踐與顧客重新構想健康的願境。在慶祝Humansa仁山優社|Victoria Dockside開幕一週年的同時,我們亦在專業團隊多方共同努力下,達成了多個重要的里程碑。秉承提供全面健康管理服務的承諾,我們將更注重女性、兒童、運動愛好者,以及企業顧客的獨特需求來訂製服務方案,幫助他們實現健康目標。展望未來,我們將繼續為顧客和其家人的健康人生護航,由預防、治療、以致回復並發揮每段旅程中的最佳狀態。」
展望2024年,Humansa將致力提升社會對健康的意識及關注,因此其跨專科專家於兒童發展及健康座談會等推廣綜合性現代健康護理模式,鼓勵健康自主;另成立Humansa 國際諮詢委員會,針對健康長壽議題激發討論及注入創新見解。
This month, as part of Humansa’s initiative in engaging the community, it offers exclusive privileges for customers. Concurrently, the Humansa GripFit Hong Kong Challenge was launched at prime locations across Hong Kong. Grip strength is recognized as a key indicator of various health aspects, and data from the community has enhanced Humansa’s understanding of the health status of Hongkongers. This knowledge will be instrumental for the brand to tailor their health and wellness solutions for customers.