How exercise correlates to longevity, how it helps extend lifespan, and more importantly, healthspan

How exercise correlates to longevity, how it helps extend lifespan, and more importantly, healthspan
While we all know what lifespan is (the number of years one lives from birth until death), little is known (or we know but choose to accept) what healthspan is.
Simply put, healthspan is the number of years we stay healthy and without chronic / debilitating disease. And by definition, longevity is how much we can lengthen our healthy years so that we can enjoy life to its fullest, narrowing the gap between our healthspan and life span.
So how does exercise extend our healthspan to narrow the gap?
- 降低罹患慢性疾病的風險: 恆常的運動習慣可有助降低罹患心血管疾病、2 型糖尿病、癌症和神經退行性疾病等慢性疾病的風險。適量的運動能降低這些風險因素,有助於延長健康壽命。
– Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. (2018). 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
– Moore, S.C., Patel, A.V., Matthews, C.E., et al. (2012). Leisure time physical activity of moderate to vigorous intensity and mortality: a large pooled cohort analysis. PLoS Medicine, 9(11), e1001335.
- 心血管健康: engaging in aerobic activities, such as running, cycling, or swimming, improves cardiovascular health. Regular exercise strengthens the heart muscle, enhances circulation, and lowers blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.
– Thompson, P.D., Buchner, D., Pina, I.L., et al. (2003). Exercise and physical activity in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Circulation, 107(24), 3109-3116. Eijsvogels, T.M., Molossi, S., Lee, D.C., & Emery, M.S. (2016). Exercise at the extremes: the amount of exercise to reduce cardiovascular events. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 67(3), 316-329.
- 生活質素: 良好的運動習慣不僅能延長壽命,還能提高生活質素。體育鍛煉可以改善情緒、減輕壓力、改善睡眠、提高能量水平、增強整體健康,從而使生活更充實、更愉快。
– Penedo, F.J., & Dahn, J.R. (2005). Exercise and well-being: a review of mental and physical health benefits associated with physical activity. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 18(2), 189-193.
Now that we know how much exercise can positively impact our healthspan, the next question is – am I doing enough?
Let’s take me as an example – I have identified ten most important physical tasks that can help me achieve the quality of life I seek at the latest stage of my life:
- Be able to physically take care of my family (care for, clean, cook, entertain etc)
- Play two hours of tennis with limited breaks
- Walk up Old Peak Road
- Pick up a 15kg child from the floor
- Stand up from a seated position without support
- Complete daily tasks without backpain
- Swim 100 meters with no rest
- Dead hang for 30 seconds
- Full push up for 10 reps
- Carry heavy suitcases or groceries from end to end
靈活性/關節穩定性: 每次擊地都會使關節承受一定的角速度,從而使其承受巨大壓力。通過訓練為關節提供穩定性的肌肉,可以實現高效、安全的運動習慣
耐力: 第 2 區和第 5 區的心率訓練非常重要,因為良好的心肺功能對練好網球運動尤其重要,既要進行無氧訓練以提高成績(持續 2 小時的比賽),又要進行有氧訓練以在比賽期間和賽後進行恢復