Fortunately, most heart diseases are preventable and controllable. According to an international study, 90% of sudden heart attack cases worldwide are caused by a combination of nine modifiable risk factors, including smoking, lack of fruits and vegetables intake, physical inactivity, excessive alcohol consumption, abdominal obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, suboptimal lipid levels, and mental stress. Here are some healthy eating tips from Humansa’s dietitian:
- 低鹽飲食: 飲食中攝取過多鹽份/鈉質,會導致血壓高,包括加工及醃製食品、醬料等。每天攝取不應超過2克的鈉(即略少於1平茶匙的鹽)。
- 低糖飲食: 避免進食高糖份的食物及飲品。以正常體重的人來說,每天糖的攝取應少於總卡路里的10%,即相當於50克的糖(約10平茶匙)。
- Low-fat diet:Fat intake should be less than 30% of total energy intake. Diet should be high in unsaturated fats (commonly found in fish, avocado, nuts, sunflower oil, canola oil and olive oil). Also avoid saturated fats (commonly found in fatty meats, butter, palm and coconut oils, cream and high fat cheese) and trans fats (commonly found in processed foods, fast foods, snack foods, fried foods, cookies and margarine).
- 高纖維飲食: 每天攝取不少於4份蔬菜和2份水果。