Breaking Weight Management Stereotypes for Healthier Fitness Goals
Understanding weight management begins from understanding the difference between muscle mass and fat mass. Muscle, compared to fat, is denser and takes up less space, using energy even at rest, while fat is a form of stored energy. This means that fat weighs less than muscle of the same size, and those with a higher muscle mass may weigh heavier but look leaner compared to those that carry more fat mass.
This will then change what losing muscle versus losing fat means to “weight control” and “fat loss”. By “weight loss”, one will see a significant weight decrease at the cost of possible losing both fat and muscle; while “fat loss” will result in a leaner look by losing fat and keeping muscle mass, therefore a bigger change in appearance. Rather than placing focus on the numbers shown on the scale, one can practice achieving a healthy weight by working towards decreasing fat mass and increasing muscle mass as a sustainable method of weight management.
Increasing muscle mass, which will then lead to natural fat loss from training, increases metabolism and helps maintain glucose levels, and eliminates instances of fatigue, loss of function, and other health conditions associated to a lack of muscle mass. The misconception of weight loss associated with weight management should be replaced with a proper regimen of fitness routines and proper nutritional intake that is sustainable and suitable to one’s lifestyle.
Those struggling with weight management may have tried many ways to lose weight, including but not limited to extreme dieting, over-exercising, and other unsustainable methods that affect the quality of lifestyle. While there are many training programs such as LISS (low-intensity cardio training) and HIIT (high-intensity interval training) amongst more traditional methods, finding a routine that is suitable to one’s fitness goals is always preferable than blindly following fitness trends or adapting overly strict training and dietary regimens that cause rebound or even worse, harm to the body.
Starting a weight management journey through proper means will prove to be a much more effective way to stay healthy and maintain a goal body weight and shape. The suggested process starts by finding one’s exercise capacity through a joint assessment with a physiotherapist and a personal trainer to ensure effectiveness of the program, and to address and fix hidden structural imbalances before they become injuries. Next, creating healthy, balanced eating habits with a dietician is key to sustainable weight management. Taking advice from different disciplines will also help keep track of and optimize one’s weight management plan. A doctor’s consultation will help understand one’s body condition and monitor any signs of stress or strain due to weight management. If necessary, doctors may also prescribe injectables that support appetite control and help manage food intake in the long run.
This then leads to choosing the regime just right for a particular lifestyle based on interests and physical capability. This is best achieved by working with a personal trainer with a plan that increases metabolism, builds lean muscle mass with a combination of stretching exercises that help maintain a healthy physique while staying safe. With above knowledge and understanding, it is much easier to step away from weight loss stereotypes and move towards healthy, balanced methods of weight management and fitness training.